which is issued by the main executive authority based on specific authorisation included in the act. Basically, to translate this term into English one will need to determine who is the subject issuing rozporządzenie. In Poland, it can be issued by the following entities: President, Council of Ministers, Prime Minister, a minister ruling a government administration department, the National Broadcasting Council.
Ordinance is a law or rule made by a government or authority (Cambridge Dictionary definition).
Rozporządzenie Prezydenta — Ordinance/Executive Order of the President
The first-tier documents are international agreements of the Russian Federation, Federal Laws, and Subordinate Acts (decrees and ordinances of the President of the Russian Federation , resolutions and ordinances of the Government of the Russian Federation). (Legal Regulation of Nuclear Power Use in Russia)
The Council was established by Executive Order of the President in 1973, but was originally composed only of business executives (trade.gov)
Rozporządzenie Rady Ministrów — Ordinance of the Council of Ministers
Rossen Jeliazkov has been appointed Chairperson to the State e-Government Agency (SEGA) by Ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated September 30th, 2016. (e-gov.bg)
Rozporządzenie Prezesa Rady Ministrów — Ordinance of the Prime Minister
The Korean legislative system consists of the Constitution as the paramount law, Acts to realize the constitutional notions, and administrative legislation including Presidential Decrees, Ordinances of the Prime Minister, Ordinances of Ministries and so forth to effectively implement the Acts. (elaw.klri.re.kr)
Rozporządzenie UE
Rozporządzenie can also be found in European Union legislation. In EU it is a normative act with a general scope. It is used in all Member States and can be issued by the Council of the European Union and the European Comission. There are a few types of these acts: rozporządzenie podstawowe, delegowane, wykonawcze (the last one is of less significance, because it cannot amend the basic one, and what is more, it relates to secondary issues only). The official translation of rozporządzenie into English is regulation in the European terminology.
Rozporządzenie podstawowe — Basic Regulation
„Komisja Obrachunkowa” oznacza podmiot, o którym mowa w art. 74 rozporządzenia podstawowego. | ‘Audit Board’ means the body referred to in Article 74 of the basic Regulation. |
Rozporządzenie delegowane — Delegated Regulation
Podstawę niniejszego rozporządzenia delegowanego Komisji stanowi mandat określony w art. 4 ust. 2 dyrektywy 2014/65/UE. | This Commission Delegated Regulation is based on the empowerment set out in Article 4(2) of Directive 2014/65/EU. |
Rozporządzenie wykonawcze — Implementing Regulation (nie Executive Regulation)
Świadczenia rzeczowe przyznane tymczasowo przez daną instytucję zgodnie z ust. 2 są zwracane, zgodnie z przepisami tytułu IV rozporządzenia wykonawczego, przez instytucję właściwą. | Benefits in kind granted provisionally by an institution in accordance with paragraph 2 shall be reimbursed by the competent institution in accordance with Title IV of the implementing Regulation. |
Sometimes, the Polish rozporządzenie is translated into English as order. However, here I recommend cautiousness to avoid needless complications. — order is also a translation of zarządzenie. Zarządzenie, as opposed to rozporządzenie is not a source of law and is more often used for internal purposes.