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PIT forms etc.

For year 2023

Price: 39,00 PLN (incl. tax: 7,29 PLN)

Tłumaczenie formularza PIT-2 stanowiącego OŚWIADCZENIE pracownika dla celów obliczania miesięcznych zaliczek na podatek dochodowy od osób fizycznych

Price: 79,00 PLN (incl. tax: 14,77 PLN)

Translation of the form CIT-8(31) STATEMENT OF INCOME EARNED (INCURRED LOSS) AND INCOME TAX due from legal entities

Price: 69,00 PLN (incl. tax: 12,90 PLN)

Translation of form PIT-37(30) Statement of income earned (loss incurred) for the year 2023

Price: 79,00 PLN (incl. tax: 14,77 PLN)

Translation of form PIT-36(31) Statement of income earned (loss incurred) for the year 2023

Price: 69,00 PLN (incl. tax: 12,90 PLN)

Translation of form PIT-36L(20) Statement of income earned (loss incurred) for the year 2023

Price: 29,00 PLN (incl. tax: 5,42 PLN)

Translation of form PIT/O(28) Information on deductions from income (revenue) and tax for the year 2023

Price: 79,00 PLN (incl. tax: 14,77 PLN)

Translation of the form PIT-28(26) Return on the amount of income received, the amount of deductions made and the lump sum due on registered income for the year 2023

Price: 59,00 PLN (incl. tax: 11,03 PLN)

Translation of form PIT-28/B(20) Information on taxpayer's income from activities conducted in the form of company(ies) for the year 2023

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